Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Deviant Behavior - 1512 Words

I’m on my way to Sociology class one day this semester, my Tuesday and Thursday 2:00pm session with Gloria Clay. I find myself in a bit of a rush this afternoon. Slept in late, had a lot of errands to run, lost track of time. At least I’m grateful that the weather is nice and the traffic is sparse today, but this doesn’t eliminate the fact that I’m not going to be on time for class. I am trying to stay relaxed in this situation but little do you know, I really hate running late for everything. It’s about time my lead foot kicks in-- I find myself exceeding the speed limit. I actually get halfway to school when I notice the sporadic movement of blue and red lights in my rear view mirror. So here I am, hanging out in the shoulder of I-95,†¦show more content†¦I have found another trigger for my deviant behavior: peer pressure. Peer influence has emerged over the last fifty years to be the chief source of values and behavioral influence in ado lescence, replacing the influence of adults. Although the level of deviance from peer group to peer group varies, the negative actions of one member in a group will increase the probability of other members taking part in similar behaviors. Affiliation with deviant peers predicts delinquent behavior more strongly than community, school, or family. Peer pressure is a major contributor to the deviant behavior of alcohol and drug use in young members of our society. Dealing with this peer pressure is a fact that I, and most teenagers must sometimes face. As I have matured, I have come across challenging decisions, and peer pressure plays a factor when people my own age try to influence my decisions. Peer pressure is a major excuse as to why teens experiment with drinking, and the use of alcohol by underage adolescents is deviant behavior. This use goes against the norms of society and its effects can be extremely negative. I vividly remember my first real interaction with peer pressu re and alcohol. I was in high school, not much older than fifteen years old. My friends were over and my mom wasn’t home that night. I can’t remember if it was my idea or not, but my friends were doing anything but opposing the idea of busting into my mom’s booze supply. I collapsed, gave in, peerShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Deviant Behavior?1452 Words   |  6 Pages Joe File Final Exam Deviant Behavior June 30, 2015 Professor Carlino What is Deviant Behavior? Week 1 Deviance is any behavior that violates social norms, and is usually sever enough to warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Deviance can be criminal or non†criminal. The sociological discipline that deals with behavior that violates laws is criminology. 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However, it is decided that at the core deviant behavior is a behavior that does not correspond with social norms and may even generate negative responses (Thio, Schwartz, and Taylor 3). Prostitution, commonly yet mistakenly known as the oldest profession in the world, is a behavior that many individuals around the world find deviant. Essentially, prostitutionRead MoreDeviant Behavior Essay1674 Words   |  7 PagesDeviant behavior refers to behavior that does not conform to norms, does not meet the expectations of a group of a society as a whole. After birth, children begin to experience situations with others. They are taught what he or she should and should not do, what is good or bad and what is right or wrong. Learning habits that conform to the customs and traditions of the groups into which the child is born develops a system of values. These values provide justification and motivation or for wantingRead More Deviant Behavior Essay1653 Words   |  7 PagesDeviant Behavior Deviant behavior refers to behavior that does not conform to norms, does not meet the expectations of a group of a society as a whole. After birth, children begin to experience situations with others. They are taught what he or she should and should not do, what is good or bad and what is right or wrong. Learning habits that conform to the customs and traditions of the groups into which the child is born develops a system of values. These values provide justification and motivationRead More Deviant Behavior Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pages DEVIANT BEHAVIOR nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Just about everyone has done something that someone else disapproves of. In fact, almost all of us have done something we ourselves have reservations or second thoughts about. Perhaps we’ve stolen something, or told a lie, or gossiped about another person in an especially nasty way. Maybe on occasion we’ve gotten drunk, of high, or driven too fast, or recklessly. Have we ever worn clothes that someone else thought was out of style, offensive, or uglyRead MoreIs Homosexuality a Deviant Behavior?1215 Words   |  5 Pageshomosexuality as a deviant behavior struck my attention. It is a topic of interest to me because I seen how things have changed over time. I found it to be interesting because there is a lot of different theories and studies against the homosexual community. Homosexuality connection can be the result of mental distress, genes and hormone, and lastly the environment where the person is developed. I chose to write about homosex uality and seek to answer the deviant behaviors in America. Homosexuality

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